We aim to ensure you receive the best quality product suited to your unique needs. If a part doesn't fit or you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, you are eligible to return the item for a full refund within 30 days of delivery. 

To be eligible for a refund, items must be sent back in brand new condition the way they were received. If the item or contents of the item come back missing, used or defective the return will be rejected and your money will not be refunded. Please ensure the item is packed properly with padding if needed so it does not get damaged on the way back. 

For any special cases, please let us know and we will see if the return can be approved in your case. 

Please see our detailed Return Policy for more information: https://lionparts.com/pages/refund-policy

Need to set up a return? (If you ordered on EBAY see paragraph below) Use our easy return system on our website: https://returns.richcommerce.co/return/new?c=LionParts45 Simply enter your *order number *and email/phone number and click 'start a return"; it's that simple! 

We will then send you the next steps! (After filling out the form it will take around a day to get back to you unless it is over the weekend)

If you ordered the item from EBAY please use the following help link to start a return. https://www.ebay.com/help/buying/returns-refunds/return-item-refund?id=4041

If you need any assistance, please reach out to our customer service team by calling or texting 888-927-3076 or email us at Help@lionparts.com

*(Please note your order number is the original Lionparts order number you get when ordering and not the one on your physical invoice. The original Lionparts order number should just contain numbers)